Hello Friends,
I hope that your week is off to a great start. It's been a busy time here on the farm with wrapping up the growing season, and lots of watering due to the drought. We wanted to send a reminder that we will be at the Willow School Holiday Bazaar this coming Saturday with lots of great things from the farm, and we hope that you'll stop by. You can also place your order and pick it up at the event if you like. Please make a note in your order.
Also, this is our last week of the single CSA share as Farmer Mary will be heading home to Uruguay for the Winter next week. We still have three more shares available for pickup this Wednesday. I should also mention that beginning this Wednesday, our store pickup hours will be from 2:30 to 4:30, as we do not have electricity and heat at the farm store shed. It's difficult when it is dark at 5 o'clock. We can also make other arrangements for pick up at your convenience, and we also deliver within 15 miles of the farm.
Please note that starting on December 1st, we will be closing the farm store for the season, but if you live within fifteen miles of the farm we will deliver on Wednesdays, with a $35 minimum order size for an additional $10 charge (same as Whole Foods). We would be most grateful if you continue to order our baked goods through the winter months when the farm is asleep. We can also make other arrangements if you'd prefer to pick up, so please reach out if you have any questions.